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Voice Recognition



Hall of Fame


Mohawk Local Hall of Fame

Article I – Purpose

The purpose of the Mohawk Local Hall of Fame shall be to recognize outstanding achievements and/or contributions of Mohawk students, athletes, coaches, administrators, and supporters.

Article II – Selection Committee

The Hall of Fame Selection Committee, hereafter referred to as the Selection Committee, will be made up of 6 members. These members shall be: the Mohawk Local School District Superintendent; the High School Principal; the High School Athletic Director, a current Board Member; a current Teacher; a Hall of Fame Member. The Superintendent will coordinate the selection of the Board member, the Teacher, and the Hall of Fame member to serve on this committee.

Article III – Meetings

The superintendent shall act as chairman of this committee and as such may call a special meeting when deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose of this committee. A committee member may recommend to the chairman that a meeting be called by submitting this request in writing and stating the purpose of the meeting request. Otherwise, the committee will meet in December of odd years to consider potential candidates for induction.. The annual selection meeting will be scheduled by the Superintendent.

Article IV – Quorum

At all meetings, five members of the Selection Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article V – Criteria of Enshrinees

  •  Former Mohawk student or athlete who has distinguished themselves by outstanding accomplishments, performances, and/or honors.
  • Former Mohawk administrators, teachers, coaches, who have distinguished themselves by outstanding contributions, accomplishments, honors, etc.
  •  Former students and athletes must be 25 years old or out of school for seven years to be eligible.
  • Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Mohawk Local School District through volunteerism, contributions, or dedication of services may be nominated.
  • The nominee must have demonstrated good citizenship.

Article VI – Number of Enshrinees

The initial class (1997) shall include fifteen (15) enshrinees. The second class (1998 shall include ten (10) enshrinees. All other classes starting with (1999) and continuing annually until (2007) shall be comprised of no more than ten (10) enshrinees. Beginning in 2008, Hall of Fame inductions will occur bi-annually, on even years, and will include up to five (5) inductees. Beginning in 2018 the number of inductees will be reduced to up to three (3) inductees.

Article VII – Selection Process

The committee shall make nomination ballots available to the general public. Ballots shall be available upon request at the main office. Ballots shall be included in the fall and winter sports programs. Ballots shall be available for download from the district website. Nominations will be accepted through December 1 of the selection year. Nominations must be turned in to the district superintendent’s office to be considered.

Prior to the December meeting, the chairman will appoint three members of the committee to screen all nominations for eligibility. All nominations that meet the eligibility criteria will be forwarded to all committee members for their review.

At the December meeting the Selection Committee will select the inductees. Discussion of candidates should precede voting. It is, however, not the responsibility of the Selection Committee to research the nominees. The information submitted by the person nominating the individual should be the primary consideration.

Nominations shall be valid up to the selection process. Nominees not chosen to be members of the Mohawk Hall of Fame must be re-nominated to be considered for the next selection class.

Article VIII – Voting

From the list of qualifying nominees, the Selection Committee members shall vote for up to three (3) nominees. The top three (3) candidates receiving the most votes will be inducted, however a nominee must receive a minimum of 4 votes to be inducted.

In the event of a tie, a second ballot will be created listing the nominees necessary for a tie-breaker vote, and a second vote will be taken.

Article IX – Awards

Enshrinees will be honored in a formal public presentation to be made during half-time of a home boys’ basketball game after the New Year as determined by the Athletic Director. Each Inductee will receive an appropriate award commemorating their induction to the Mohawk Hall of Fame. All Hall of Fame Member names will be displayed on the Hall of Fame sign in the high school gym.

Two weeks prior to the basketball game in which new inductees will be recognized, current members and inductees, will be sent an invitation to attend the basketball game and a reception following the game.. A list of Hall of Fame members will be provided to the ticket taker of the game and they will be admitted to the game free of charge.

Article X – Records

A letter will be sent to the person nominating potential candidates on the determination by the committee on their nomination. Accurate records of all nominees, all selection committee members, and other pertinent information will be kept by the Superintendent.

Article XI – Amendment Procedures

Suggested amendments to the Mohawk Hall of Fame By-laws may be submitted by committee members, Hall of Fame members, or members of the public to the District Superintendent. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the suggested amendments will be considered by Mohawk Board of Education.   Upon approval by the Mohawk Board of Education the amended By-laws become effective.